1.10 - Removed automatic re-encoding attempts, because it's more annoying than it is helpful 1.9 - Added the ability to add custom command line parameters - Fixed some errors related to subtitles - Removed a quality option that wasn't really useful - Changed the default filesize limit to 3000KB instead of 3MB - Added a video file extension list 1.8 - Fixed a null pointer exception related to sound playback (although it affected nothing) - FFmpeg now seeks in videos faster, so encoding near the end of a video is faster - Limited audio channel count to 2, since 5.1 (and probably anything above 2) didn't work 1.7 - FFmpeg log files are now generated in the temp directory, so they are deleted on close 1.6 - Moved the encoding logs to a new Advanced tab - Added a setting to toggle the Advanced tab display (off by default) - Now only displays one error when ffmpeg isn't installed - Homepage domain update - Changed how the video framerates are detected, and anything detected at 1000+ defaults to 30 1.5 - Changed locale settings due to numbers being formatted improperly - Added an option to use the "Java" look and feel - Small GUI tweaks 1.4 - Added automatic update checking; disableable through settings - Videncode text up at the top is now clickable and directs to the homepage - A link under the "Encode" button now leads to the test page 1.3 - Changed some default sync settings - Added a setting to save the default file extension 1.2 - Made numbers format properly - Changed the multiplexing overhead value to 30000 (vs 28000) 1.1 - Added a custom text field so it would display properly and update properly - Made temporary sound stay in memory and not require a file stream - Fixed typos - Slightly changed the format of the output files - Made output file masking work properly 1.0 - Initial version